Turnip 'Purple Top White Globe'

Purple Top White Globe has white-skinned, white-fleshed, round turnips with any skin exposed above ground turning a vibrant purple. Flavour is spicy like radishes but becomes milder when cooked. Roots and leaves both edible raw or cooked. 7-10 weeks until harvest. Each packet contains 120 seeds.
Turnip 'Purple Top White Globe'
Turnip 'Purple Top White Globe'
Price Per Packet: $ 2.50

Growing Advice

Scientific Name: Brassica rapa subsp. rapa

Common Name: Turnip 'Purple Top White Globe'

Family: Brassicaceae


Purple Top White Globe turnips is a traditional heirloom variety developed in the South of the USA in the early 19th century and first introduced to Australia in the late 19th century. 

Culinary Uses:  

Purple Top White Globe has a strong turnip flavour with a mild pungency.  Harvest turnips young for maximum sweetness and best texture.  This variety is great for roasting, mashing or pickling when young.  The large, lobed leaves of this variety of turnip can also be eaten but are best cooked.  

Growing Tips:

Choose a planting site that receives full sun or very light shade.  Turnips planted during Autumn and grown during cooler weather will concentrate more sugars in the roots resulting in a sweeter flavour.  Turnips grown during warmer weather will instead put on extra foliage and have more pungent roots.  Work the soil over prior to planting to loosen it and encourage good root growth.  Fertilise well prior to planting with an organic fertiliser, well rotted manure or compost to encourage rapid growth, turnips grown too slowly may become woody.  Turnips and other Brassicas can suffer from a disease called club root if the soil is too acidic, dig garden lime or dolomite through the soil to maintain soil pH within a range between 6.5 and 7.5.  Water regularly and evenly to prevent roots from becoming woody and to prevent plants bolting to seed.

When To Sow:

For best results sow turnip seeds from September to April in cold, temperate and subtropical areas of Australia.  Turnips will not grow well in tropical areas of Australia, but you can try sowing seeds from April to May if you want to give them a go.

How To Sow:

Sow Purple Top White Globe turnip seeds 7mm deep spacing plants about 20cm apart.

Germination Time:

Turnip seeds take between 7 and 10 days to germinate.

Time To Harvest:

You first Purple Top White Globe turnips should be ready to pull up 7 to 10 weeks after sowing, but you can harvest them earlier if the roots are big enough.