Crimson Clover
Upright clover species growing to 50cm tall. Vibrant red flower spikes around 4cm long. Nitrogen fixing legume, sow in a fallow bed and slash to provide a nitrogen-rich mulch for the following crop. Won't regrow once cut but may self-sow if left to go to seed. Cool season annual or occasionally short-lived perennial. Approx 2000 seeds per packet.
Growing Advice
Scientific Name: Trifolium incarnatum
Common Names: Crimson Clover, Italian Clover
Origin: Crimson clover grows native across most of Europe.
Sowing Times
Cold: Early to Mid-Spring
Temperate: Autumn
Subtropics: Autumn
Tropics: Unlikely to grow well
Sowing Depth: 8mm
Plant Spacing: 10cm
Preferred Aspect: Full Sun
Germination Time: 7-14 Days
Time To Flowering: 14-18 Weeks