Artichoke 'French Purple'
Growing Advice
Photo by Haeferl (CC BY-SA 3.0).
Scientific Name: Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus
Common Names: Globe Artichoke 'French Purple', Purple Artichoke, Globe Artichoke 'Violet de Provence', Globe Artichoke 'Violetta di Provenza', Globe Artichoke 'Poivrade'
Family: Asteraceae (Daisy)
Cynara: From Kuon; Greek, meaning like dog teeth in reference to leaf scales.
cardunculus: Small Thistle
scolymus: Having Spines
Globe artichokes are native to the Mediterranean. This purple artichoke cultivar is a traditional French heirloom variety.
A perennial vegetable, globe artichokes will grow for many years and eventually reach a height of about one and a half metres tall. This variety produces medium sized heads about 7cm in diameter with purple leaf scales. The artichoke heart and fleshy leaf scales of this variety have a fine flavour.
Harvest the flower buds while still young and tender before the bud begins to open, they can open rapidly so keep an eye out. Plants can also be grown as an ornamental and flower when left to open will have a large, bright purple choke, which contrasts nicely with their greyish foliage. Artichoke are nice when pickled and used as a pizza topping or added to pasta salads.
Sow seeds flat about 6mm deep. Space plants about half a metre apart to give them room to grow. In temperate and cold regions sow during Autumn, Winter or Spring in frost-free areas or during Spring after the last chance of frost has past in frost-affected areas. Not suited for tropical or subtropical areas as it's too hot and humid to grow globe artichokes successfully. Most Artichoke seeds will take between 10 and 20 days to germinate.
Grow Artichoke in a rich, free draining soil in full sun or partial shade. Incorporate compost if soil is lacking in organic matter and/or lime if soil is acidic. Plants require frost to produce good quality flower buds. Divide the clumps of artichoke ever few years to allow the plants to further grow and ensure continued production of buds.