Sorrel 'Red Veined'
Growing Advice
Species Name: Rumex sanguineus
Common Names: Sorrel 'Red Veined', Sorrel 'Red Vein', Redvein Dock, Bloody Dock, Blood Dock, Wood Dock, Bloodwort
Family: Polygonaceae
Red Veined Sorrel has been cultivated for many years its origin is uncertain. Wild forms of the plant are native to parts of Europe and Asia.
Culinary Uses
Red Veined Sorrel leaves can be used in moderation as a salad green to add colour and a delicious lemony tang. The youngest leaves are best for this purpose as this is when they're at their most tender and least bitter. Red Veined Sorrel can be eaten cooked, discarding the cooking water will reduce the sourness of the leaves as the oxalic acid will leech out into the water during cooking. Cooking will also reduce the bitterness of older leaves. Plants with a high oxalic acid content can be problematic for people who suffer from kidney stones, avoid eating the raw leaves if this applies to you.
Growing Tips
Red Veined Sorrel grows best in a sheltered location that receives partial shade throughout the day. Sorrel grows best on a sandy loam soil, rich in organic matter. Dig through lots of well-rotted animal manures, compost and worm castings through your soil prior to planting Red Veined Sorrel. Adding extra organic matter will help to improve your soil structure, retain moisture, encourage worms and beneficial soil micro-organisms as well as provide nutrients to your growing plants. Grow Sorrel in raised beds if your soil is too compacted or heavy with clay. Apply a complete organic liquid fertiliser, worm juice or compost tea every few weeks for rapid growth. Apply rock dust or trace elements if your soil is lacking in mineral content, this will help to promote strong, healthy growth. Apply a mulch such as sugar cane mulch around your Red Veined Sorrel plants to retain moisture, keep their root systems cool and retain moisture in the soil. Water regularly, at least every second day. Red Veined Sorrel grows best in a slightly acidic soil with a pH range between 5.7 and 6.8. Red Veined Sorrel is frost hardy.
When To Sow
Sow Red Veined Sorrel from October to December in cooler areas of Australia. In temperate areas of Australia sow from September to November, or during March. In subtropical regions of Australia sow Red Veined Sorrel from March to September. In tropical regions of Australia try growing Red Veined Sorrel during the dry season from April to July.
How To Sow
Sow Red Veined Sorrel seeds 6mm deep, space plantings about 20cm apart.
Time To Germination
Most Red Veined Sorrel seedlings will germinate 7 to 14 days after sowing the seeds.
Time To Harvest
Red Veined Sorrel takes between 8 and 9 weeks to start producing good quantities of leaves. Pick Red Veined Sorrel leaves when young, taking care not to damage the central growing point. The leaves become bitter and more fibrous as they age, but the older leaves can still be left on the plant to provide energy for new leaves to form.